Welcome to AviationEU Group Official Portal
aviationeu.com is the upgraded portal developed to provide an overview of the two AviationEU Group companies based in Athens, Greece, AviationEU Supplies & Services (formerly Eurowings Aviation and Consulting Ltd.) and AviationEU Training Systems & Services (formerly Eurowings Aviation Training Services (Eurowings ATS). It also provides links to other sites with more detailed information and operations of these companies in support of their activities.
AviationEU (indicating Aviation in Europe) is the label selected to be used for the company titles, trademarks and domain names replacing the older Eurowings. AviationEU highlights both our Group strategy to offer quality and competitive services addressing the needs of different segments of the Aviation market and the geographical dimension of our Group companies.
AviationEU Supplies & Services was founded as Eurowings Aviation & Consulting Ltd. in July 2000 in Athens Greece aiming to provide a range of aviation related services to Greek and foreign customers, ranging from Aviation Training and Time Building to Consulting and I.T. services, Flying Holidays, Aerial Photography, Aviation Supplies and Technical Support services. Nowadays, the company focuses on supplies of aviation and industrial materials, products and parts as well as maintenance/repair services promoted and supported through the Web Platform for Supplies. This ecommerce platform integrates detailed product information and electronic ordering capabilities available to registered users for a wide range of materials, products, systems and components: from engines, propellers and parts to avionics, metal and composite materials, tools and consumables.
AviationEU Training Systems & Services is the new company and distinctive title of Eurowings Aviation Training Services (Eurowings ATS) founded in 2014 in Athens Greece to gradually take over the existing aviation training services of Eurowings Aviation & Consulting Ltd. but also develop new services using new deployed infrastructure. Currently the company emphasizes on training content development and delivery, training supplies as well as consulting and I.T. services for the design, development and operation of Web sites, e-learning platforms, Management Information Systems (MIS) and Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) exploiting advanced tools and technologies. More information on the company's activities can be sought at www.aviationeu.training.
For additional information on our Group resources, capabilities and services please visit the respective pages of this Portal or use links to our other dedicated sites. If you wish to stay tuned with our Group latest news you can look at our Press Releases or our social media pages such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Finally, you can find listings of our Group sites in a significant number of Search Engines and Directories worldwide.
We thank you for visiting our Portal. For any further inquiries, you can always communicate with us by phone, email or our web form and we will be happy to respond.
AviationEU Group Portal Administration Team